Thursday 24 July 2008

White Denim – All You Really Have To Do

White Denim are the type of band that should have been strutting around the stage of Woodstock in 1969. Amongst the showers of bands these days that try to purvey their own brand of revivalist psychedelia and get full of acid, White Denim go straight for the throat with a harder approach to the tired old format of the American singer drawling through their fucked out of their head lyrics with a faint British accent. All You Really Have To Do parades around with a vocal halfway between Robert Plant and Jimi Hendrix, with a dirty filthy garage guitar and a sexual bass line. The song is a vicious attack of pop goodness, with the sound no doubt being influenced by the heavier of the blues and prog bands from the 60’s, think Jagger or Plant in their prime fronting Blue Cheer, or Hendrix playing with Captain Beefheart. In the space of two and a bit minutes, this song will tear your heart out and bash it around the town with the back of a guitar. A fantastic single, bursting with aggression, and dying to take you on a dark drug induced journey where burning tie-dye T-shirts covered in blood light the way.

NARC. is currently available in all good record shops, pubs, practice rooms etc. etc. View more information on NARC. magazine, including outlets, at their MySpace, and at their website.

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