Thursday, 24 July 2008

Electricity In Our Homes – We Thought It Was But It Wasn’t

This is about as chaotic and disjointed as anything else that is out there at the moment. Just over a minute and a half of dirty, filthy art-rock. In the space of that just over a minute and a half, you’ll be subjected to the sneering and vocal aggression of an amalgamation of Johnny Rotten and Mark E. Smith, a frenzied assault of anarchic guitar lines like Zappa fronting Melt Banana, and a rhythm section that could’ve been taken from one of Ian Dury and the Blockheads’ lost singles, with the machine gun drums and humpy thumpy bass determined to march down your street, kick your door in and drag you dancing down your path in an impulsive paroxysm of glee.

The band have a distinctively 80s sound about them, which is no bad thing. I‘d much rather be sitting like a kid in my Lord Anthony anorak with a bag of glue listening to this band of rag-tag rogues in some graffiti covered squat, than face the reality of getting older and older.

Go and lose yourself in this single and hear a band expressing all of their insecurities and not giving a shit about it.

NARC. is currently available in all good record shops, pubs, practice rooms etc. etc. View more information on NARC. magazine, including outlets, at their MySpace, and at their website.

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